Only 10 days after I took the picture of the emerging daffodils, they are blooming.
There's a long list of things to do this year. I have some ideas. Most of them involve J doing hard work. Like fence building, etc. For starters, there's a problem in the driveway garden. I planted grass seed in it, and now it has taken over.
Mild mannered in a lawn, the stuff is unstoppable in the garden and is choking out everything else. It's nearly impossible to pull, so J will have to rototill it. Then there's the problem of the pasture grass I planted all over the bullodozed areas, to combat a knapweed invasion. It's not a very pretty grass, and although it has supplanted the knapweed, it may be death to young trees trying to reforest the area. The only remedy I can come up with is a grass eater, but what kind? Do goats eat grass, or do they just eat rose bushes?
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