Friday, January 30, 2009
What do you do with a cat like that?
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Sun is Back
I don't know how people here can stand it year after year! It's like that excellent book, which I read this winter, appropriately, The City of Ember, (thanks to Janeywan, for recommending it). Those poor people down there, they didn't realize they could get out of that dark hole. Am I like those people? Stuck in the dark, when the light is right up above? Except in this case it's below. I could be in Arizona or California in a few days by car, or a few hours by plane. Go go go! But then I'd have to come back...which would be a total huge tremendous bummer, causing a massive humongous gigantic plunge into a depression so deep, I'll be cursing my time in the sun. So I'd better just stay here and enjoy cold sunny days and the (sssllllloooooooooooooooowwwwwwww) coming of spring.
My beautiful bouquet
Just what makes that little old ant...
The precious balls Sharky, one of our few remaining pets.
Slammy took me out for a walk yesterday and that raised my spirits considerably. She has promised to be my personal trainer. Vitamin D supplements help too, to brighten the mood. The daily recommended amount has shot way up. If you can't have the real thing, then you just have to fake it.
Speaking of faking it, have y'all seen The Secret on DVD? It's a great pick me up as well, and a challenge to your imaginative powers. I just saw it last week. I've heard the same concept in different form, but always enjoy hearing it again. I'm a firm believer in our power to manifest whatever it is we want. And in feeling good. Not that I'm naturally inclined to practice it, but I'm working on it with a new fervor. Why not feel good? My programming seems to make me suspicious of joy. Time to throw out that program.
We saw August Rush this week also, which I was fearing would be a hopelessly corny and sad tragedy. But it was really a happy little allegory about manifesting what you want, so that's kind of weird. Funny how they came up in the Netflix queue at the same time...
Right now I'm busy manifesting my new swimming pool, so I'll check in later and let you know how that's coming along.
Until then, it's 15 degrees and sunny at 1:00 pm.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Thinking about summer
... how 'bout a field of sunflowers, wouldn't that be amazing? Hubby would be horrified.
John Brookes likes to use a method that I have only recently discovered as the secret to water retention here. It is so obvious I can't believe I didn't do it a long time ago. It's rocks; as a planting medium, and a mulch. We have a ton of them and last year we filled in a retaining wall with rocks and I planted herbs in it. Well, guess what grew like mad? Shoulda known. Our rock pathways have always grown the healthiest weeds you've ever seen. Herbs love rocks too, and do much better under them, than under a bark mulch. Rocks! Duh!