Thursday, January 15, 2009


Black-capped Chickadee

Steller's Jay Cedar Waxwing

One thing that makes the dark days of winter a little better are the birds that visit.
Mountain and Black-capped Chickadees are here all year, as long as we have sunflower seeds. I love these quick, energetic little birds. It's hard not to smile when watching them.
The Steller's Jays don't visit very often, they were much more common in California. When you see just one loner, it's amazing how striking they are. I've always thought they are the best looking of the jays.
This morning I saw Cedar Waxwings for the first time, visiting the Crabapple. People with Mountain Ash trees see them a lot, but until now we haven't had anything they like to eat. I'm very happy they came. Watering that tree all summer has finally paid off.
We have fog this week, but no snow. There is an air stagnation alert. Good thing we don't live in the city, where it's not just fog, but smog.
Winter is dragging on, as always. But we're on the back side of it now, with February around the corner. I'd rather be on this side, than back in November, ugh, November, what a horrible month. Or October, blech! don't get me started on October, and don't even mention December!
It's 31 degrees and foggy at 11:30 am.


Slammy said...

Birds are great and everything. But do they really have to be so scidish?

Gnome said...

Uhh, yeah, didn't you see the killer in the first picture? If they weren't so careful they'd be Rusty's lunch.