Saturday, September 13, 2008

This 'n' that

What a life the bees have.

Mid September gardening news:

Even though we've had several freezing nights, the garden is still alive, (yay!!!) The house protects the flowers and the greenhouse is doing a good job for the vegetables. This is the first time ever I've had red full size tomatoes, it's a great joy. I'm almost persuaded that this isn't such a bad place to live after all, for a gardener that is.

Idaho organic:

It's a bit behind the times and ultra-conservative here, but there are some changes happening that look promising. The local health food store is expanding for the second time, taking over other buildings next door. I just wish I could afford to shop there more often. Most other grocery stores have organic produce and products now. There must be an increasing demand. My taste tests have confirmed that organic produce does taste better, maybe others are starting to notice that too. Not to mention that eating food without chemicals can only be better for you, especially when some of those foods are from other countries where they spray who knows what on them. Which brings me to my next topic.

Made in China:

The past few years, we've noticed that nearly every new product we buy (we're obviously shopping at the wrong stores) smells terrible for a long time. Chemical fumes emanate from these things, and we can't figure out what is going on. It didn't used to happen, did it? Well, for one thing, many of these things are made in China or Indonesia or some other place churning out cheap products. There doesn't seem to be much oversight on what kind of junk gets shipped over here. So from now on, I'll try to lay off the cheap stuff, although that's hard when funds are limited. I'll have to scour the countryside for wholesome products made in this country, or better yet, have the mechanical genius make it for me.


Oh, the utter nonsense of it all. My eye twitch is back.

Global warming update:

Did everyone see Sarah Palin say that there may be some human causes to global warming? Holy Al Gore! Some of the doubters are pretending to change their minds! If that's not progress, I don't know what is. Meanwhile, the chanting gets louder: drill baby drill! Those are some real forward looking people right there. And the politicians cave and approve new drilling. So encouraging. I'm going to do what I can to end this slow motion train wreck by asking the kids to become scientists so they can invent new energy sources. I know they'll just ignore me, but it's worth a try. After all, they're a lot smarter than I was at their age, and they're even good at math, gasp! If I had been good at math I could've studied physics and maybe I'd be working on a new energy source this very moment. But instead I'm writing a blog which two people read. Two very very important people.


Dori said...

Ah...I've been wondering if either of us can resist mentioning politics in our non-political blogs. It's hard not to say anything when the truth is stranger than fiction. It would almost be funny if it wasn't really happening. Have you seen the Sat. Night live skit of Sarah and Hillary? Classic!

Good luck on that vampire diet.

Gnome said...

Yes! I stayed up to watch it and wasn't disappointed, hilarious! Poor old harpie Hillary.