Saturday, April 18, 2009

Blog Anniversary

Gardenlog is one year old!  It seems like I've been doing this a lot longer.  I started it to keep track of the seasons and garden activity.  I want to find out what's different from year to year and observe how things change or stay the same.  Well, I can finally do that now, starting with the Crocus.  Last year they bloomed April 25, and this year we discovered them April 12, Easter Sunday, during the hunt.

Since Easter, we got a little snow, but mostly the weather has been much better.
All kinds of things are starting to grow.

Moss and grass were first.  Buttercups are a close second.  All the shrubby things have buds.

Now that the weather is better, I'll be outside a lot more and won't want to be on the computer anymore.  This morning I was out there pruning, though it's too early, I just couldn't wait!  (I consulted some herb books and they advise pruning in mid to late spring).  A few days ago I planted cool season vegetables in the box, then put the row cover on top.  I also planted the greenhouse with radishes, carrots, kohlrabi and beets, but I saved room for the squash and tomatoes.  The peas never came up!  Boo hoo.

I would make a terrible pioneer.  My approach to gardening is not serious.  I throw seeds around willy nilly.  I use old seeds that probably aren't viable anymore.  I don't prepare the soil properly.  I plant too early or too late.  I'm too lazy to build fences and wind blocks.  If I were a pioneer woman, my family would starve and die.  The reason I'm thinking about this is that I just reread My Antonia.  Imagine living like that, where everything you do is about survival.  Right now I wouldn't be sitting on my derriere writing silly things at the computer, I'd be out plowing the fields, planting grain to feed the cows and pigs and chickens and goats.  And when I planted my kitchen garden it would be a very serious task, no room for experimentation or half-baked plans.  I always wanted to be that sort of gardener, focused, efficient, and successful.  But it just isn't in me to work that hard unless I have to.  I need to be plopped down in a place where there are no supermarkets, no easy outs; then maybe hunger would propel me into action.  Because I do love to eat!

It's 54 degrees and sunny at 2:00 pm.


Slammy said...

Yes, well pioneers were educated in those sort of things.
We modern Americans ain't into doin work of that sort.
Maybe I'll start doing my homework outside.

Milla said...

Happy blog anniversary! I am so glad Zorro came across your blog, because your posts are always fun and interesting to read, and the pictures...well, those are STUNNING.