Friday, February 27, 2009

Hibernation Ends

More animals are around these days, the birds are singing and it really feels like spring is coming.  The sun even came out for a good stretch today and I started dusting the shelves and opening doors!

The Mountain Chickadees came this morning, they have been faithful visitors all winter.  This one stayed within view of me long enough to take an almost clear picture. One of these days I'm going to set up the tripod and get some better shots.  They move so fast!

We also had a visit from the squirrel. Rusty alerts me to his presence by quickly slinking over to the window like the killer he is.

Who would want to kill a cute little thing like that? So fluffy and adorable.


That's who.

It's 34 degrees, mostly cloudy at 4:00 pm.


Anonymous said...

that cute little fluffy thing would just as soon bite you and give some wierd infection then look at you. thank goodness you have Rusty to protect you.

Gnome said...

yeah... who would want to kill the cute big eyed cows?

Anonymous said...

that was slammy. -_-

Gnome said...

Thank you for pointing out my hypocrisy, again, Slammy. Hamburgers are every bit as cute as squirrels.

Milla said...

Ah ah, your cat, he always makes me laugh.
Our cat, Pisko, is so lazy that if a bird landed on his head, he wouldn't be bothered to even look up.

Gnome said...

Hmm, maybe I need to find out what you feed Pisko, and switch to that!