Smells like feet.
A recipe! Hey Slammy, give this a try.
Ingredients: Bok choi, green onion, cooked rice. Sauce: Soy sauce, rice vinegar, Adams crunchy peanut butter, and olive oil.
Stir fry the cut up bok choi and a sliced green onion over medium heat in olive oil for a short time. Add a little left over rice and cook till hot. The bok choi should not be limp and dead, but crunchy and bright green. Turn off heat, pour over the sauce. (The sauce is a mixture to taste of soysauce, rice vinegar, a spoonful of Adams crunchy peanut butter and olive oil, mixed in a cup with a fork). Let the sauce sizzle for a bit, then serve.
I got some onion sets to plant, and some "critter food" at the local hardware store. I remembered that when we had the quail visiting, I was putting out more than just black oil sunflower seeds. This food I got has corn and peanuts in addition to sunflower seeds, so maybe we'll get new customers. I saw a Ruffed Grouse by the side of the driveway the other day, it looked and acted just like a chicken, moving its head back and forth. I've been hearing their thump thump thumping sound off in the woods. This year I've noticed a bird that is new to me, at the school, and the neighbor's. It looks like a shore bird, with long legs and a stripe on the neck. I looked it up and the closest thing to it is a Killdeer, which nests in "athletic fields...lawns...or any area that has short sparse vegetation," (Stokes Field Guide to Birds), so that explains why they're at school. They're the birds that fake having a broken wing to lure predators away from their nests. I'd love to see that, but I guess they know better than to build a nest on our cat-patrolled fields. They wouldn't last a day.
There's a new poll in the works, I'd appreciate your insights and opinions on the matter. THIS TIME IT'S PERSONAL.
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