Saturday, May 3, 2008


Evening Grosbeak We haven't seen these in a long time, the critter food is working. Something is coming at night and cleaning it out though, probably deer.

Taking pictures of birds is difficult. I tried getting some shots of the Tree Swallows flying around the house in groups, but when I went out with the camera they left. They're too fast anyway. I was able to get this guy instead. He saw me, and kept an eye on my movements. Hop hop hop. Eat bug. Hop hop hop.
I've seen the Mountain Bluebird lately, but can't seem to get a good picture of him. It's hard to get close enough to birds that don't come to feeders. Then there's these two troublemakers. I have to shut them up in the house.

Birdwatching.J's technique for bird photography is to sit in the house at an open window with the camera. It works well for birds that come near the house. When you're outside in plain view and you point a camera at them, the birds can see you from miles away, and they act like you're pointing a rifle at them.
Even this guy keeps an eye on me when he's outside. He's always planning his escape. The minute you turn your back he runs for cover.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That grass is like a jungle for the reptile.